“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Partner With Us
Partnering with Life for Children Ministry—whether on the ground, financially or with folded hands— truly makes the difference in thousands of lives in Kenya. How can you be a partner?
Prayer is the foundation of our ministry and the core of our organization. God hears all prayers and your daily prayers for the orphans, family guardians and Life for Children staff are needed. We give thanks to Him that has already done incredible things in Kenya. He has purposely moved to create the many different areas of this ministry and has touched so many lives as a result. So, we ask for a prayer of thanks first, all to the Glory of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Please write to Life For Children Ministry and indicate in the memo section the intent of the donation. Blank memo fields will be placed in the general fund and used where best served. Please send check to:
* Consider using your online billpay at your bank for a recurring or one-time donation
Support the life of a child
You can make that difference in the life of a child today. See Orphan Support page or consider the following for your gift
Give A Goat Or Chickens
$30 buys a pair (2) of chickens for a household
$100 buys a goat
$130 buys 2 chickens, 1 goat
$100 provides a basic loan to start or grow a business for women in Kenya
Street Boys Ministry
$15/month supports one homeless child
$310/month supports 4 Sunday meal programs for all that come
Build A Home For A Widow
$1,000 donation will build a home with a hardy tin roof for a widow
There are many ways to support the ministry here. You can support the ministry directly with helping to fund vehicles used for food and orphan transport or support local education by donating for school fees or building a classroom. Please see the Project List below to see the needs. Those in Kenya say “Asante Sana” (Thank You Very Much)
So, what is our most immediate need?
Greenhouses ~ Goats & Chickens ~ School Fees (Gen Fund)
2.2% + .30 transaction fee for electronic donation
Recurring donors will be prompted to setup their own personal login to manage their own account.
Consider donating to our General Fund for use with immediate needs. These funds have gone for any one of our programs where timing was key. You can note any area of interest or simply leave blank.
Fundraising Emergency Relief General Logistics Missionary Support School Fees
You may choose a one-time or recurring donation here. If you choose a recurring payment you need to have a PayPal account. If you don't have a free PayPal account you can signup for one during the donation process. You can change or cancel a recurring donation anytime in your PayPal account settings.
LCM General Fund
2.2% + .30 transaction fee for electronic donation
Recurring donors will be prompted to setup their own personal login to manage their own account.
Support LCM Through Legacy Giving!
You can celebrate a life with the gift of life. Consider the ministry’s mission as a beneficiary to your Will or consider one of the many different ways to take advantage of tax charitable giving when considering stock holdings, life insurance or even real estate. Take a peek at our summary guide to learn more
Donate while grocery shopping at Kroger!
Go to Kroger.com, “Account” (in upper right) and choose “My Account”. Select “Community Rewards” (on left side navigation) and use the search window at the top of list to find “Life For Children Ministry”. Select the result to connect your Kroger card to donate with every purchase!
Phone/FAX: 877.790.5830 or email: Info@LifeForChildrenMinistry.org
Life for Children Ministry is an international partner with TMS Global
You may also make a financial donation to LCM on the TMS Global website www.tms-global.org