Life for Children Ministry believes that to help the child you also need to invest into their community. Ongoing projects involve construction, micro-finance, water resource development and other opportunities. We thank you for your kind support and prayers in these endeavors and welcome any opportunity you may see for yourself or organization to participate. Please contact us for further info...

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
Mission Trips
Many of our projects are completed by spirited mission teams. Whether it’s teaching Vacation Bible School or running a medical camp. Assembled teams are first prepped through our knowledgeable staff and trip logistics are carefully planned and executed for successful and rewarding mission goals.
MISSION GOALS: Medical Camp - Home Building for Widows - Water Exploration/Drilling - School/Church Construction - Vacation Bible School - Pastors’ Training - Educational Training/Teaching - Vision Trip - Evangelism and Discipleship - Street Boys Outreach - Internships
To send money for your trip you can mail us a check (see Help / Give) or send in payment using the button below. Earn $100 discount for mailing a check
For more information please email